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Please Join Us in Supporting Pat Martino on GoFundMe

Pat Martino Passes Away

Dear TrueFire Community,

I can’t think of anyone who has contributed more to the art of jazz guitar, the history of music, and the brotherhood of musicians than Pat Martino. Pat has been a giant inspiration for me personally and I know that’s also true for thousands of other players of all instruments.

Being privileged to work with Pat and getting to spend quality time in his presence, heightened my admiration and love for this beautiful human being.

Pat needs our help (read below) and I ask that you join TrueFire in supporting him now in his time of need. Below is a link to his GoFundMe where any donation will make a big difference.


Ignited we stand,
Founder of TrueFire

From the GoFundMe:

Internationally beloved jazz guitarist Pat Martino has not worked since November 2018 due to severe health issues and his ability to keep financially afloat has been greatly impacted by his current disabilities. This legendary artist from Philadelphia has exhausted his savings and sees no other options before him other than to appeal to the larger community for help. He needs your donations and your goodwill to keep his household intact and pay medical bills while he concentrates on getting healthy.

After returning from a tour in Italy last year, Pat Martino contracted a virus that affected his already weak lungs devastated by Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. After seeing a lung specialist, Martino was told that he would need a double lung transplant, but unfortunately, his body had been so depleted recovering from the virus that an operation at that time would be out of the question.

Since then, Pat has lost weight and is now on oxygen 24/7. In addition, Pat Martino has been experiencing problems with the fingers on his left hand and is currently in physical therapy to try and remedy this tragic development. This uniquely gifted guitarist is unable to play. Unthinkable, but true.

Many fans and fellow musicians see Pat Martino as some kind of superman who proved victorious over a debilitating brain aneurysm in the early 1980s. His heroic comeback after such a serious blow to his health was truly miraculous, but what his fans did not know was that long battle compromised his immune system making it difficult for him to resist infections. He has constantly fought hard to stay healthy throughout his life.

Pat Martino has always felt that being able to play music has been the medicine that has kept him surviving under the harsh physical conditions he’s had to endure. With his left hand disabled, he’s trying the best he can to stay positive, but his financial situation is dire.

Pat Martino is the living embodiment of a true jazz heart. He needs your help and is calling out to those who have been inspired by his music and life for a response to his hour of need.

Please give what you can, any amount will be appreciated.

If you would like to contribute by check, send a check to:
Patrick C. Azzara, 2318 South 16th St., Philadelphia PA 19145
(Pat Martino Fund is registered with his real name, Patrick C. Azzara)

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