
Freddie Green

Comping the Blues: Freddie Green Grip #4

In this lesson we learn two Freddie Green style three note grips for minor 7th chords. Using these grips we locate the i7, iv7 and v7 chords in the key of A min...
Freddie Green

Comping the Blues: Freddie Green Grip #3

In this lesson we locate the VI7 and II7 chords using our two Freddie Green dominant 7th chord grips. I then demonstrate how to use these tools to play the 12 b...
Freddie Green

Comping the Blues: Freddie Green Grip #2

GripsIn this lesson I teach a second common Freddie Green dominant 7th chord grip and a common swing strumming pattern. I then demonstrate how to use these tool...
Freddie Green

Comping the Blues: Freddie Green Grip #1

In this video guitar lesson, I teach a common Freddie Green dominant 7th chord grip and the four-to-the-floor strumming pattern also popularized by Green. I the...
Vintage Air Guitar for Sale

Vintage Air Guitar For Sale on Craigslist

Someone in the Champaign-Urbana area of Illinois has put up an ad on Craigslist for a “Vintage Air Guitar” that his uncle gave him back in the day. Apparently, ...


Zach is TrueFire's Head of Partnerships & Business Development. Feel free to contact him!