With music being so near and dear to us at TrueFire Studios, it has been heartwrenching to watch the K-12 system grind to a halt, knowing that thousands, if not...
Source: Slice Times are tough for musicians. Live gigs everywhere have been canceled and sources of income have been stripped away seemingly overnight. Lucki...
The 9th Annual Listening Room Festival, which is sponsored by TrueFire, has been rescheduled for November, but festival artists will be streaming live performan...
Dear TrueFire Community, I can’t think of anyone who has contributed more to the art of jazz guitar, the history of music, and the brotherhood of musicians t...
Millions of people around the world are undoubtedly missing Jimi and his music, and are also wondering, "What would Jimi Hendrix sound like if he were alive tod...
We are happy to announce that 15 courses now feature full 1080p HD video! Future courses will also be available in 1080p HD, and we will also be re-publishing a...
With the Utility Design Rep Pedal, you can rewind, fast-forward, play/pause, loop, and slow down TrueFire video lessons without your hands ever leaving the guit...
TrueFire Channels are the newest and coolest way to hang out and interact with your favorite Educator and support them to keep creating the music you love. Thro...
We are giving away a Lifetime TrueFire All Access Plan ($1,999 Value) to a lucky follower once we hit 10,000 followers. How to enter: 1. Follow us @truefiretv ...
There are thousands of truly gifted singer-songwriters enchanting the ears of listeners all over the world. So, how is it even possible to come up with a short ...
If you've been following TrueFire Live over the past few years, you know these online teaching sessions are chock-full of insight, inspiration, and lessons for ...