Guitar Lessons

6 Desert Blues Guitar Licks You MUST Know!

If you dig deep into the origins of the blues, you’ll wind up in Africa. Dig a little deeper and you’ll discover many ‘World Music’ influences from northern Afr...

7 Funky Rhythm Guitar Lessons

Hailing from the Big Easy, Shane’s played with everyone from the Neville Brothers to Boz Scaggs to Dr. John to Jewel to Little Feat and the list goes on and on....

9 Free Frank Vignola Jazz Guitar Lessons

Although Modern Method has been created by one of the great jazz guitarists of our time, the techniques Frank Vignola shares here are highly applicable to any s...

12 Progressive Blues Soloing Guitar Lessons

Progressive Blues Power offers a complete, step-by-step approach to learning to play improvised solos in a modern blues and blues-rock style. These lessons -- b...

7 Free Robben Ford Rhythm Guitar Lessons

Over the course of his 40-year recording and performing career, Robben Ford’s rhythm guitar work has excited the ears of his audience, fired up his musical coll...

10 Modes That Matter for Guitar Players

Guitar players - here are scales and modes you MUST know for all styles. You'll learn how and when to apply them. You'll learn how to shape, color and texture y...