Guitar Lessons

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Triads Essentials: #1 Three String Triads

Triads Essentials is a free weekly guitar lesson series by New York pro and Sherpa Instructor Joe Pinnavaia covering the essentials of triads use, helping you b...
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It’s Hot Outside: #4 Turnarounds

It's Hot Outside is a weekly video guitar lesson series by Jeff Beasley, author of several TrueFire courses. This series focuses on performing with depth in the...
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Tighten Up Your Blues: #2 Vibrato

Tighten Up Your Blues is a weekly video guitar lesson series by longtime TrueFire educator Jeff McErlain. In this series, Jeff will focus on nuance and all the ...
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Tighten Up Your Blues: #1 Tweaking the 3rd

Tighten Up Your Blues is a weekly video guitar lesson series by longtime TrueFire educator Jeff McErlain. In this series, Jeff will focus on nuance and all the ...

50 Jazz Blues Licks: #36 Kenny Drew

50 Jazz Blues Licks is an exclusive series of video guitar lessons by David Hamburger covering the jazz blues styles of historically great guitarists like Georg...

50 Jazz Blues Licks: #35 Red Garland

50 Jazz Blues Licks is an exclusive series of video guitar lessons by David Hamburger covering the jazz blues styles of historically great guitarists like Georg...
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Bar Room Blues: “Shaky Ground”

Bar Room Blues is an exclusive series of video guitar lessons by Steve "Red" Lasner covering classic blues songs from historically great guitarists like B.B. Ki...
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50 Jazz Blues Licks: #34 Grant Green

50 Jazz Blues Licks is an exclusive series of video guitar lessons by David Hamburger covering the jazz blues styles of historically great guitarists like Georg...