Guitar Lessons

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Flatpicking: #2 Floating Salt Creek

Flatpicking is a video guitar lesson series by Italian guitar guru Roberto Dalla Vecchia. Be sure to check out Roberto's official website for more from him and ...
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Triads Essentials: #3 Stacking Uses

Triads Essentials is a free weekly guitar lesson series by New York pro and Sherpa Instructor Joe Pinnavaia covering the essentials of triads use, helping you b...
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Tighten Up Your Blues: #5 Turnarounds

Tighten Up Your Blues is a weekly video guitar lesson series by longtime TrueFire educator Jeff McErlain. In this series, Jeff will focus on nuance and all the ...
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Triads Essentials: #2 Stacking Form

Triads Essentials is a free weekly guitar lesson series by New York pro and Sherpa Instructor Joe Pinnavaia covering the essentials of triads use, helping you b...
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Tighten Up Your Blues: #4 Dynamics

Tighten Up Your Blues is a weekly video guitar lesson series by longtime TrueFire educator Jeff McErlain. In this series, Jeff will focus on nuance and all the ...
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Riffin’ – #2 Incorporating Pentatonics

Riffin' is a free weekly video guitar lesson series by Nashville guitar guru Dave Isaacs focusing on the construction and development of killer guitar riffs. Th...
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It’s Hot Outside: #5 Licks

It's Hot Outside is a weekly video guitar lesson series by Jeff Beasley, author of several TrueFire courses. This series focuses on performing with depth in the...

77 Awesomely Weird Guitars

If we told you that there's a guitar shaped like the ol' twig and berries called the Wangcaster you'd probably believe us. You're a guitar player for god sakes;...
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Flatpicking: #1 New River Train

Flatpicking is a video guitar lesson series by Italian guitar guru Roberto Dalla Vecchia. Be sure to check out Roberto's official website for more from him and ...
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Metal Guitar Licks: #5 Sequencing the Exotic

This Metal Licks free weekly guitar lesson series is by Scott Allen, who currently has an interactive TrueFire classroom called the "Metal Shop." Tune in there ...