Guitar Lessons

Lydian Dominant Strategies

by Garrison Fewell Here's a sharp way to brighten your lines when improvising over dominant- 7th chords: Raise the fourth degree of the Mixolydian mode (1, 2...

50 Jazz Blues Licks: #11 Lee Morgan I-IV

50 Jazz Blues Licks is an exclusive series of video guitar lessons by David Hamburger covering the jazz blues styles of historically great guitarists like Geoge...

Go Daddy Go: 12 Classic Rockabilly Licks

by Jesse Gress You can trace rockabilly back to Merle Travis. In themid ’50s, when rockabilly pioneers such as Scotty Moore, Paul Burlison, Cliff Gallup, Joe...

7 Pioneers of Guitar

by Steve "Red" Lasner 1. Les Paul (1915-2009) Les Paul was jazz and country guitarist, songwriter and inventor. He was a pioneer in the development of the s...

The Secrets of DADGAD Open Tuning

by Andy Ellis and Laurence Juber “I use DADGAD for about 50 percent of my music,” says fingerstyle wizard Laurence Juber as he coaxes his Martin into the exo...

7 Deadly Sins of Rehearsing

by Rich Maloof 1. No agenda Make the most of the band’s time together by knowing what you plan to accomplish. Is it a writing session or a performance rehea...