
TrueFire Student Spotlight: SamStamos

The worldwide community of guitarists and musicians is one of the main reasons why TrueFire is where it is today. With our students' input and feedback, we stay...

TrueFire Student Spotlight: brian1m1

The worldwide community of guitarists and musicians is one of the main reasons why TrueFire is where it is today. With our students' input and feedback, we stay...

TrueFire Student Spotlight: illinirph

The worldwide community of guitarists and musicians is one of the main reasons why TrueFire is where it is today. With our students' input and feedback, we stay...

TrueFire Student Spotlight: douglove1000

The worldwide community of guitarists and musicians is one of the main reasons why TrueFire is where it is today. With our students' input and feedback, we stay...

TrueFire Student Spotight: jshalevski

The worldwide community of guitarists and musicians is one of the main reasons why TrueFire is where it is today. With our students' input and feedback, we stay...

TrueFire Student Spotlight: howep

The worldwide community of guitarists and musicians is one of the main reasons why TrueFire is where it is today. With our students' input and feedback, we stay...

TrueFire Student Spotlight: johmica

The worldwide community of guitarists and musicians is one of the main reasons why TrueFire is where it is today. With our students' input and feedback, we stay...

TrueFire Student Spotlight: StringTheorist

The worldwide community of guitarists and musicians is one of the main reasons why TrueFire is where it is today. With our students' input and feedback, we stay...

TrueFire Student Spotlight: obbig

The worldwide community of guitarists and musicians is one of the main reasons why TrueFire is where it is today. With our students' input and feedback, we stay...

Fireside Chat: Frank Vignola

1. What qualities of the guitar attracted you more than other instruments? Do you play any other instruments? I loved the sound of Les Paul, Django and Jo...