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INFOGRAPHIC: The Insanely Useful Guide to Guitar Pedals (& How to Hook Them All Up)

Guitar Effect Pedal Infographic Masthead

Not sure which guitar pedals do what and where they go? Here’s some help!

Guitar effects pedals are responsible for some of the most awe-inspiring moments in modern music.

Imagine for a second Hendrix’s Voodoo Chile without the Wah pedal opening. Or Keith Richards’ riff on Satisfaction without the fuzz tone, or pretty much any David Gilmour solo without the delay effect.

It doesn’t bear thinking about, does it?

But here’s the thing: a decent knowledge of guitar pedals makes the average guitar player into a badass ninja! The tragedy, like a good Shakespearean play, is that guitarists of all levels lack an understanding of which pedals do what, and what combinations of pedals work best.

Yes, pedals give the guitarist a fresh new sonic palette to work with, but guitar pedal mastery is seen by many as a dark art.

Our friends over at Zing Instruments are tackling this head-on, with their “insanely useful guide to guitar pedals” that explains what the most popular guitar pedals do, and what order in the signal chain they should appear. Enjoy!

Want more awesome information about guitar effects pedals and how to use them? Check out Jeff McErlain’s Guitar Effects Survival Guide!

Guitar Effects Pedals Featured in the Infographic:

Compressor Pedal
Wah Pedal
Octave Pedal
Overdrive Pedal
Distortion Pedal
Fuzz Pedal
Chorus Pedal
Flanger Pedal
Phaser Pedal
Delay Pedal
Reverb Pedal

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