There are many paths one can take when learning to become a better soloist on guitar. One of the most important skills to hone in doing this is learning to play expressively. And, who better to learn important skills like these from than the masters, themselves.

In his course, 30 Electric Expressions You MUST Know, guitar legend, Andy Timmons shows you licks he uses to enhance the expressiveness of his playing.

Here are 5 free electric expression guitar lessons from the course. For the full course, check out Andy Timmons’ 30 Electric Expressions You MUST Know on TrueFire!

Lick 1: Horizontal Pentatonic Slide

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For the first lick, this is an A major horizontal slide. This is something that I use all the time, and works great over the progression from my song “Resolution”, going from A major to D major.

Lick 5: Hendrixy Wail

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This lick is also over the “Move On” A minor to F chord progression. We’ll be playing a very bluesy, crying, Hendrixian lick this time.

Lick 13: Slippery Gypsy Lick

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This lick is a “slippy-slidy-Gypsy-lick”, as it’s taken from the main lick in “Electric Gypsy”. I’ve seen a lot of people play this tune, and this is the one lick that trips people up (including me).

Lick 19: Chromatic Riffage

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Our last lick dealing with “Beautiful Strange” is a chromatic riff over our progression. Let’s take a look.

Lick 24: Descending Bending

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Lick 24 is over the “Gone” changes again. This is a descending bending lick, and a really cool exercise for playing some scalar bends.

Digging these free electric expression guitar lessons from Andy Timmons? Check out his full course, 30 Electric Expressions You MUST Know.