Groove is omnipresent. It is everywhere and always happening. It’s in our hearts every time they beat, and on the shore every time a wave crashes upon it. And, for us as musicians and listeners, it is the connection we have to the music we love.

Because of its ability to produce percussive AND melodic sounds, the guitar is essential to creating the perfect groove for any song. In Carl Burnett’s Groove Guitar edition of Take 5, your first destination is fitting in the pocket and locking down the groove in ANY style.

Here are three video groove guitar lessons from the course. For the full course, check out Carl Burnett’s Take 5: Groove Guitar on TrueFire!

Guitar Lesson – Take 5: Groove Guitar – Level 5: Overview

Download the tab & notation for this groove guitar lesson

At this faster tempo, we’re really having to lock in subdividing 1/16 notes. If this example feels too challenging, check out my course Funk Guitar Survival Guide, which breaks all this down. More essential listening is Prince. This is one of so many: “Lady Cab Driver” by Prince.

Guitar Lesson – Take 5: Groove Guitar – Level 5: Performance

Download the tab & notation for this groove guitar lesson

I’ll perform this for you at tempo so you can get a feel for how it sounds all the way through.

Guitar Lesson – Take 5: Groove Guitar – Level 5: Breakdown

Download the tab & notation for this groove guitar lesson

Now, let’s break this down slowly and piece by piece. It’s important to practice these types of rhythms at a lower tempo first, and then ramp up your speed gradually.

Digging these free video groove guitar lessons? Check out Carl Burnett’s full course, Take 5: Groove Guitar.