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Solo Like a Pro: Play the Changes with Eric Haugen

Eric Haugen Guitar Lessons

Learning to ‘Play the Changes’ and the Power of the CAGED System

As an experienced guitar instructor and passionate musician, I’m here to stress a critical aspect of guitar mastery: learning to ‘play the changes’. This fundamental skill of recognizing and adapting to chord changes while improvising plays a transformative role in a guitarist’s musical journey, often being the difference between sounding good and sounding exceptional. But how can you make this seemingly daunting task more accessible? Let’s introduce the CAGED system.

NEW: Eric Haugen’s Guitar Zen: Playing the Changes NOW on TrueFire!

Playing the changes refers to a guitarist’s ability to follow the chord progression of a song in their soloing or improvisation, rather than merely staying within one scale or key. This skill allows a musician to create more melodically engaging and harmonically rich pieces. It’s like the difference between having a conversation with varied, stimulating topics versus repeating the same point—both may be correct, but one is certainly more engaging.

Here is where the CAGED system becomes a game-changer. As a pedagogical approach for learning the fretboard, the CAGED system is a method to comprehend and visualize the guitar‘s immense landscape. The system’s name is an acronym for the five basic open chord shapes: C, A, G, E, and D. The beauty of this method lies in its simplicity—it emphasizes how these five chord shapes can be moved across the fretboard, providing a template for playing chord inversions and scales in different keys.

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Learning the CAGED system will not only improve your understanding of the fretboard but also significantly help you ‘play the changes.’ By understanding the fretboard as a network of interrelated chord shapes, a guitarist can anticipate chord changes and adjust their improvisation accordingly. This skill of predicting and adapting to the ebb and flow of a song’s harmony elevates your playing from merely competent to truly captivating.

To put it into perspective, imagine you’re soloing over a progression from C to G. Without ‘playing the changes,’ you might remain in the C Major scale throughout. With the CAGED system’s knowledge and the ability to play the changes, you would adapt your solo to highlight the G Major chord when the progression shifts, enhancing the harmonic connection between your solo and the song’s structure.

In conclusion, ‘playing the changes‘ is crucial for any guitarist who wants to deepen their musical expressivity and build a stronger connection with their audience. The CAGED system is an invaluable tool that can be easily utilized to develop this skill, offering an accessible path towards comprehensive fretboard knowledge and superior musical adaptability. By mastering ‘playing the changes’ and integrating the CAGED system into your practice, you will not only become a more proficient guitarist, but also a more versatile and captivating musician.

Learn More from Eric Haugen at TrueFire

DOWNLOAD NOW: Eric Haugen’s Guitar Zen: Playing the Changes

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