In this episode I discuss how music is subjective and the concept of a “best guitarist” makes no sense. I give advice on celebrating the way you play, building on your perceived weaknesses so you can turn them into strengths and returning to the feeling of joy you experienced when you first discovered the guitar!

(Intro/outro song: “Restless” by Rob Garland)

Rob’s TrueFire Courses: https://truefire.com/educators/rob-garland/e4238
Rob’s TrueFire Channel: https://truefire.com/channels/channel-babylon/h1800

Website: https://www.robgarland.net
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5DfgX3bbBTvKCUR7CE45tG?si=0fOiXZ0MR2e-DXi5vb4tAQ
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/robgarlandla