We all have stressful lives – especially now in the post-pandemic era, folks are dealing with more stress and Mental Health issues than ever before. Having a creative outlet is the best way to relax, unwind, and enjoy doing something that isn’t related to the stressors of the day. Let’s talk about how playing
1. Playing Guitar Can Be Therapeutic
Simply picking up a
2. A Welcomed Musical Distraction
Taking a few minutes (or even hours) of your day to play a song or two won’t solve all of your problems, but, it’ll be a welcomed distraction from whatever is causing stress. When you stimulate certain areas of your brain creatively, it’ll lead to better cognitive abilities. In short, playing music for a little while each day will actually help you deal with stress more effectively. Mental Health and music work together often, hand-in-hand.
3. Learning Guitar Improves Your Future Mental Health!
According to Men’s Health, “[if you play guitar] you are more likely to have sharper brain function, which can help guard against mental decline in the future.” By learning and playing
Mental Health Awareness is something to take seriously. At TrueFire, we want to make sure all of our students are happy and healthy while learning how to play
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