1. The War of Art: Winning the Inner Creative Battle
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The Six String Theory Competition, hosted by Grammy®-winning guitarist and producer, Lee Ritenour, is a biennial competition that accepts performer applications...
This week only, we're offering up a buy 1, get 1 free deal on all courses (and All Access!) as part of our Perfect Pair promotion in celebration of Valentine's ...
In the last couple of decades, we've seen the rise of banjo players firmly rooted in the old time style of playing: Clifton Hicks, Adam Hurt, Abigail Washington...
Spinal Tap bassist Derek Smalls (A.K.A. Harry Shearer) has announced a new album entitle Smalls Change (Meditations Upon Ageing), and it features three top True...
Blind Blake, Charlie Patton, and Robert Johnson are just some of the early blues players who pioneered fingerstyle by playing the bass, chords, and melody at th...
One of the staples of bluegrass guitar is using runs to connect chords, articulate song sections, and give a tune an ending. They'll direct the listener's atten...
TrueFire is proud to partner with Folk Alliance International and the Louis Jay Meyers Music Camp this February 16-18 in Kansas City, MO at the Sheraton Kansas ...
Do you want to learn play jazz blues, or add in jazz to your blues playing like Larry Carlton or Robben Ford? By exposing yourself to jazz harmonies and melody,...
Corey Congilio's Acoustic Rhythm Guitar Playbook is a great place to start to learn new, interesting, applicable guitar rhythms, whether you're a seasoned playe...
Tommy Emmanuel and Frank Vignola, two long-time TrueFire Educators, have released a new music video for their track "Djangology" that also features Vinny Raniol...
James Jamerson is one of the most influential bass guitar players in modern history and also the originator of the Motown sound. R&B, funk, pop, jazz, and even ...