sound man

5 Tips To Keep Your Sound Man From Hating You

Maintaining a good relationship with the sound man at whatever venue you’re playing at is one surefire way to increase your odds of sounding good at your next s...

7 Guitars That Changed Music History

1. Gibson L-5 First introduced: 1923 Also Known As: The First Masterpiece Notable Players: Mother Maybelle Carter, Eddie Lang, Wes Montgomery, Scotty Moo...

7 Tips for Working with Substitute Musicians

by Rich Tozzoli Back in school, a substitute teacher usually meant you had a do-nothing day ahead. But if you’re a musician who needs someone to substitute f...
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Labor Day Sale Winners

Our Labor Day Winners are announced below (listed by TrueFire username - each person has been contacted directly via email). Congrats to all our winners. ...

7 Tips for Writing Great Guitar Songs

Writing songs on guitar can be easy. Writing great songs on guitar can be nigh impossible. We asked veteran songwriter, recording artist, and guitar maestro, Ma...

5 Ways Music Can Change Your Life

by Jeff Scheetz, TrueFire's Director of Education Now more than ever we are surrounded by (some might say bombarded with) music every day. Rather than just l...