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Pentatonic Poetry: #5 Add a Dash of Flash

Pentatonic Poetry is a free video guitar lesson series by Tobias Hurwitz. For more free lessons from this series, be sure to subscribe. In this last installm...
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Pentatonic Poetry: #4 Make It Talk

Pentatonic Poetry is a free video guitar lesson series by Tobias Hurwitz. For more free lessons from this series, be sure to subscribe. This lesson is my per...

President Bush “Plays” the Guitar

Happy Presidents' Day! Back in 1989 during the inauguration party of President George Bush (the first), the news organizations snapped this picture of the presi...
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Pentatonic Poetry: #3 The A Minor Scale

Pentatonic Poetry is a free video guitar lesson series by Tobias Hurwitz. For more free lessons from this series, be sure to subscribe. In this free guitar...
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The 5 Worst Guitar Solos Ever?

Now you're feeling more optimistic about your guitar playing, join TrueFire for free to help you improve your own skills!...

Free Christmas Songbook

In spirit of the Holidays, Christmas, and all that's Jolly, we put together a collection of chord sheets and tab of popular Christmas songs for your playing ple...