Guitar Lessons

5 Rockabilly Guitar Licks You MUST Know

These rockabilly guitar licks are from Jason Loughlin's 50 Rockabilly Licks You MUST Knowcourse which equips you with the tools you need to play in the style of...

7 Monster SRV Licks You MUST Know

These monster SRV guitar licks are from Anthony Stauffer's 50 Monster SRV Guitar Licks You MUST Knowwhich delivers so much more than a versatile, head-turning c...

7 Funk Guitar Licks You MUST Know

These funk guitar licks are from Chris Buono's 50 Funk Guitar Licks You MUST Know course. These handpicked phrases, concepts and techniques deliver a wide varie...

6 Progressive Blues Licks You MUST Know

Dig electric blues guitar? These progressive blues guitar licks are from Corey Congilio's 50 Progressive Blues Licks You MUST Knowcourse compiles this perfectly...
Beginner Jazz Guitar

5 Beginner Jazz Guitar Licks You MUST Know

These beginner jazz guitar lessons are from Fareed Haque's 30 Beginner Jazz Guitar Licks You MUST Know course in which he explores 30 jazz guitar licks every be...
Eric Clapton

Eric Clapton’s Essential Licks

Of all the ’60s guitar heroes, Eric Clapton has had the most consistent and enduring career. What better way to celebrate solo guitar than to explore a few of h...