Guitar Lessons

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Explorations in Funk: #1 Chord Inversions

About the Guitar Lesson Explorations In Funk will investigate the under represented style of funk guitar and take a look at the many elements that make up this...
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Quick Guitar Tips: #4 Transpose

Quick Guitar Tips is a free video lesson series by Adam Levy. Be sure to check out Adam's 2 courses, 50 Low-Down Rhythms You MUST Know and Rhythm Makeover....
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Quick Guitar Tips: #1 Don’t Look Down!

Quick Guitar Tips is a free video lesson series by Adam Levy. Be sure to check out Adam's 2 courses, 50 Low-Down Rhythms You MUST Know and Rhythm Makeover....
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Quick Guitar Tips: #2 Simplicity

Quick Guitar Tips is a free video lesson series by Adam Levy. Be sure to check out Adam's 2 courses, 50 Low-Down Rhythms You MUST Know and Rhythm Makeover....
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Quick Guitar Tips: #3 Rest

Quick Guitar Tips is a free video lesson series by Adam Levy. Be sure to check out Adam's 2 courses, 50 Low-Down Rhythms You MUST Know and Rhythm Makeover....

Overcome Stage Fright

I remember singer Al Jarreau once telling me he still gets nervous before every show. That shocked me at the time, but is probably more common than you would th...

The Difference a Guitar Delay Pedal Makes

Delay is a great effect for guitar players. It can take something moderately cool and make it very cool, as demonstrated in this video by Jim Lill. Examples:...