Guitar Lessons

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Beyond the Pentatonic Scale: #2 Example Lick

Beyond the Pentatonic Scale by TrueFire Educator Rob Garland is a free lesson series that will help you break free of the pentatonic prison, blurring the lines ...

10 Things I Learned at the 2013 NAMM Show

by Jeff Scheetz, TrueFire's Director of Education 1. Gear has gone wild. There is so much gear out there in the world I will never be able to get it all. Th...
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Blues Rhythms: #3

Blues Rhythms is a free video guitar lesson series Corey Congilio. In this series, Corey gives you a preview of what's to come in his next TrueFire course, 50 B...

The 3 R’s to Getting On-Stage at a Jam

by Jeff Scheetz, TrueFire's Director of Education Do you want to get up onstage and play? The answer should be a resounding YES! "But wait," you say, "I'm no...
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What’s Burning This Week – Episode 1

What's Burning is a weekly video series filling you in on all the cool happenings at TrueFire. Be sure to check out the links below for more and tune in next we...