Guitar Lessons

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Riffin’ – #8 The Open Position (UPDATED)

Riffin' is a free weekly video guitar lesson series by Nashville guitar guru Dave Isaacs focusing on the construction and development of killer guitar riffs. Th...
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Country Bends

Country Bends is a free lesson as part of a preview series for Jason Loughlin's upcoming course, The Country Guitar Survival Guide, which is set to launch in De...
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50 Slow Blues Licks: #1 B.B. King

50 Slow Blues Licks is a preview series of a course coming soon to TrueFire by Anthony Stauffer, of Check out the lesson below and be sure to ...
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Riffin’ – #7 Visualization

Riffin' is a free weekly video guitar lesson series by Nashville guitar guru Dave Isaacs focusing on the construction and development of killer guitar riffs. Th...
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Left Hand Position #3

Left Hand Position is a free weekly video guitar lesson series by Ethan Fiks. Be sure to subscribe and check out Ethan's official website. Video Guitar Lesso...
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Flatpicking: #4 Cross Picking Beaumont Rag

Flatpicking is a video guitar lesson series by Italian guitar guru Roberto Dalla Vecchia. Be sure to check out Roberto's official website for more from him and ...
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Latin Guitar: #5 Soloing Techniques

Latin Guitar is a free weekly video guitar lesson series by Doug Munro, a New York City based guitarist, composer, arranger, producer, author, educator of the h...
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Left Hand Position #2

Left Hand Position is a free weekly video guitar lesson series by Ethan Fiks. Be sure to subscribe and check out Ethan's official website. Video Guitar Lesso...

An Introduction to the CAGED System

By Scott Blanchard - Source In this post, we'll show you some easy ways to navigate the fretboard by introducing a simple octave pattern and disecting the CA...
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Riffin’ – #6 Major Triad Shapes

Riffin' is a free weekly video guitar lesson series by Nashville guitar guru Dave Isaacs focusing on the construction and development of killer guitar riffs. Th...