Weekly Kindling is a new feature on The Punch-In and will feature the latest
What’s Burning This Week:
>> Jim Marshall, Legendary Rock Photographer, Passes Away at 74
Jim Marshall, the photographer who captured some of rock & roll’s most unforgettable images including photos of Jimi Hendrix burning his
>> Failed Guitarist Even Fails at Murder
A 37-year old musician accused of slamming his
>> The Precocious Dakota Fanning and Kristen Stewart as The Runaways
Check out what Fanning and Stewart had to say about embodying rock icons and their relationships with their real life counterparts as well as Stewart’s hesitation to retell exactly how Joan Jett explained to rock out on the
Kristen, you play
guitar yourself, but did Joan give you any tips on how to really embody the female guitarist?
Stewart: She’s got a really unique connection to the music, the way it comes out of her. The compulsion to make it, to create the sound isn’t something that all musicians have and the fact that she never started playing leadguitar – she wanted to play rhythmguitar , she wanted to keep the music going. So she was always telling me to connect like it’s coming through you and considering yourguitar is right here [points to pelvic area], it really is a weird center. The only way that I can describe it and I’ve said it before, is like – she literally sort of told me – it was like – why am I doing this right now? The only way I can describe it and the way she told me to play like her and it’s the only way that feels right is to like – you have to @#$% yourguitar . [Turns to publicist] I didn’t know how else to say that. I’m sorry!
Random Inspiration of the Week:
>> The most fascinating guitarist in Africa: Ronnie
Let us know what you think of this video in the comments!
Featured TrueFire Guitar Lesson of the Week:
>> “Duffy’s Edge” from Guitar Cubed
Of the many things