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Blues Genealogy: “Statesboro Blues”

by David Hamburger Click here for the tab file. There are really two “Statesboro Blues” (blueses?). There’s the song as originally conceived and recor...

3 Questions with Duane Allman

Excerpts from an interview originally published in Guitar Player Magazine. Check out "Secrets From The Masters" for a full compilation of interviews with 40 gre...

Making Money Making Music: Songwriters

by Billy Fishkin Ever wonder whether songwriters make money when their music is played on the radio or in a bar? Whenever there is a public performance of...

The Four Step Plan to Better Jazz Guitar

There are things that every guitarist should know, and how to play jazz is one of them. While jazz guitar is notoriously challenging, Bruce Arnold shows the b...

Lay It Down Live … and Leave

by Rich Tozzoli Even in the age of the $0.99 song, a full-length release is still a must. Whether you’re selling your downloads online or using a good ol’ fa...

The Problem With Music

by Steve Albini This oft-referenced article is from the early '90s, and originally appeared in Maximum Rock 'n' Roll magazine. While some of the information ...

Life Lessons From Elliot Randall

After you've recorded one of the most memorable guitar solos on record, where the hell do you go from there? Always in search of the lost chord – the simpl...