Stevie Ray Vaughn

7 Monster SRV Licks You MUST Know

These monster SRV guitar licks are from Anthony Stauffer's 50 Monster SRV Guitar Licks You MUST Knowwhich delivers so much more than a versatile, head-turning c...

3 Free Slow Blues Soloing Guitar Lessons

Soloing over a slow blues is one of the most challenging things to develop for a blues guitar player. It not only requires the technical knowledge, but a comple...

Take Your Blues Soloing to the Next Level!

Everyone who learns how to play blues guitar pretty much follows the same path: learn our major and minor pentatonic scales, develop some solid right and left-h...

Austin, Texas Blues

by Rich Maloof With all the bad news that pours in every day, we can be somewhat unfazed even by jaw-dropping acts of hatred like the one that made news yest...