
5 Runs Every Bluegrass Guitarist MUST Know

One of the staples of bluegrass guitar is using runs to connect chords, articulate song sections, and give a tune an ending. They'll direct the listener's atten...

5 Free Cuban Guitar Lessons

The Buena Vista Social Club was started by guitarist Ry Cooder and directed by Juan de Marcos González, and is renowned for bringing back the music of Cuba from...

John Jorgenson Song Guitar Lesson: ’61 SGLP

John Jorgenson returns to TrueFire for his second course, Eclectic Electric: '61 SGLP, showing students how to play his song recorded with The John Jorgenson El...
Best Guitar Amps Under $500

Ramp Up Your Country Guitar Soloing

In these free country soloing guitar lessons, Jason Loughlin will take you through two different styles of soloing within the subgenres of country guitar. First...