
Blues Expose Fast Shuffle Intro

A fast shuffle is usually a happy shuffle, keep your thoughts happy while soloing. Try to create a melodic flow without confusion. Let each note have meaning an...

Blues Expose Fast Shuffle Rhythm Breakdown

Josh walks through his rhythm playing on the Fast Shuffle in D. It may take a little time to build the left hand stamina required to hold this part down far mor...

Blues Expose Fast Shuffle Lead Performance

Red & Josh play a few more choruses of a Fast Shuffle in D, this time with the focus shifted to Red’s lead. In this solo, Red is doing some cool blending of Maj...

Blues Expose Fast Shuffle Lead Breakdown

Josh takes Red’s solo apart a piece at a time, explaining the different technical and theoretical components at work in this lesson. Check out ‘Rock This Town...

Gibson’s Firebird X – a “Revolution”?

by Rich Maloof When Gibson announced a major press conference, our curiosity was piqued. The company’s invite to last week’s gathering read: This is more tha...

Making Money Making Music: Songwriters

by Billy Fishkin Ever wonder whether songwriters make money when their music is played on the radio or in a bar? Whenever there is a public performance of...

Lay It Down Live … and Leave

by Rich Tozzoli Even in the age of the $0.99 song, a full-length release is still a must. Whether you’re selling your downloads online or using a good ol’ fa...

7 Mistakes Every Beginner Guitarist Makes

by Corey Palmer For the beginning guitarist, it’s all too easy to run into pitfalls and stumbling blocks — especially when you’re trying to learn guitar on y...

7 Deadly Session Sins

by Rich Tozzoli The ease and affordability of home recording technology has made it simple to produce music at your own pace, on your own terms, and on your...

3 Questions – Joe Satriani

Where does your melodic sensibility come from? I grew up listening to every kind of music: classical, jazz, Motown, rock and roll, funk, blues, rock and heavy ...
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School Daze

by  Rich Maloof My favorite college memories include jamming with foreign exchange students, getting kicked offstage during Parents' Weekend, and sleeping th...