Guitar Lessons

4 Free Mimi Fox Jazz Guitar Lessons

Jazz Anatomy decodes the structure of jazz guitar revealing a remarkably clear approach for comping, melodic development and improvisation. Mimi Fox will demons...

12 Free Jazz Comping Lessons

Fareed Haque's Jazz Comping Survival Guide is based on a very simple, yet far-reaching concept; building chords from the inside out. Your tutelage begins with b...

7 Free Robben Ford Blues Guitar Lessons

These 7 free guitar lessons are from Robben Ford's Blues Revolution, an interactive masterclass from the master of blues guitar. Embraced by listeners and playe...
Guitar Riffs

7 Greatest Guitar Riffs of All-Time

A guitar riff is defined as a cluster or sequence of notes or chords that are used in a song. It can be repeated over and over again, or it may only be heard on...

6 Cutting-Edge Blues Licks You MUST Know

If you love to play the blues, you don't want to miss TrueFire artist Jay-P's first course, 30 Cutting Edge Blues Licks You MUST Know. You'll find modern soundi...

7 Free Fingerstyle Blues Guitar Lessons

David will target ways to play over both a steady-bass and alternating thumb bass, and focus on building a vocabulary in two of the most common keys for fingers...