If you've wanted to learn how to play Auld Lang Syne on guitar, look no further! This easy free video song lesson from Muriel Anderson with tab and notation wil...
These 7 free Johnny Hiland guitar lessons are taken from his latest guitar course, Ten Gallon Guitar: Rhythm, which is now available for instant download. Check...
One of the first things we all do as blues guitar players is learn the licks and stylings of our favorite players. Essentially, we’re developing our blues vocab...
Jeff McErlain shares with his experiences as a guitar player, music professional, and TrueFire Educator. He also sheds some light how to teach guitar online. To...
In the following 9 John Mayer guitar lessons, he shares some insight and inspiration for guitar players wanting to learn about songwriting, guitar, music theory...
This Stevie Ray Vaughan guitar lesson, Corey Congilio explores an SRV ballad with an breakdown of the Texas blues solo with tab, notation, and jam track. Be sur...
Our friends over at Equipboard recent wrote an article entitled "4 Best Websites for Online Guitar Lessons" and we are proud to say that we made the list! T...
So you’re ready to learn how to play guitar, eh? Good. That’s awesome. Your cool points just went up to 11. And just like any new skill, you’ll have to start fr...
BIG news for TrueFire Students! Our vast online guitar lesson library is now powered with Soundslice video sync notation technology. Soundslice syncs tab and...
Credit to Reddit user otherwiseyep Getting the gig and keeping the gig is the ultimate goal for any professional guitar player or musician. It's much easier ...
Take a look at this chart, it represents the circle of 5ths. The outside letters represent the major keys and the inside letters represent their relative minors...
Eric Clapton and B.B. King -- two of the most exciting and original blues guitarists to play blues licks -- have instantly recognizable sounds. Is this because ...