In the world of music, there are individuals who leave an indelible mark through their extraordinary talent, passion, and relentless dedication. One such lumina...
In the vast realm of music production, Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) serve as indispensable tools for musicians, producers, and audio enthusiasts. With an a...
Soul Jazz, although having been established and popularized in the '60s and '70s, lives on today in many popular artists' styles. Then, it was players like Phil...
Whether you play guitar, or any other instrument, learning to lock into the groove of a song is vital. When soloing, nailing the groove has the effect of making...
If any of the world's music cultures especially highlight the importance of the guitar, they are those found in the Latin American countries. With nuanced rhyth...
Attention all guitar enthusiasts! TrueFire and ArtistWorks are proud to present an extraordinary live-stream event you simply cannot miss: The Virtual Guitar Ro...
Crafting solo guitar arrangements in any style offers a number of benefits to guitarists. Firstly, it allows for more creativity and expression, as the arrangem...
If you're a guitarist who loves to travel, you know that protecting your prized instrument while flying is essential. That's why you need a sturdy, reliable gui...
Samantha Fish's Wild Soul will infuse your blues guitar soloing technique with the fire it needs to take it to the next level. Try these free lessons and check ...
When it comes to learning the guitar, the right choice of an online platform can greatly enhance your progress and experience. TrueFire, JamPlay, and ArtistWork...
Put all 10 fingers to work and unleash a torrent of fingerstyle playing plucking prowess on your guitar! Buckle up, dig in, and fast-forward your fingerstyle ch...
Plug in and buckle up for a high-speed crash course in Telecaster shredology, unlocking the chaotic, ear-perking tonality, explosive chicken pickin’, and a full...