Free Video Lessons: 5 Sax Licks for Guitar

We’ve all heard our favorite guitarists talk about how much horn players influence their playing. Listen to any of the great jazz, blues or rock guitarists and ...
Mastering Guitar

7 Must-Haves for Mastering Guitar

If you are here reading this, you’re probably serious about becoming an awesome guitar player. But no matter how hard you practice or intend to practice, you ne...
Freddie Green

Comping the Blues: Freddie Green Grip #5

n this lesson we combine the dominant grips we learned in earlier lessons in this series with the minor7th grips we’ve learned to play typical minor blues chang...
Progress Tracking

New Feature: Progress Tracking

As a music education company, we always seeking ways to enhance your learning experience and help you achieve your goals. Today, we're excited to announce a new...
Freddie Green

Comping the Blues: Freddie Green Grip #4

In this lesson we learn two Freddie Green style three note grips for minor 7th chords. Using these grips we locate the i7, iv7 and v7 chords in the key of A min...
Freddie Green

Comping the Blues: Freddie Green Grip #3

In this lesson we locate the VI7 and II7 chords using our two Freddie Green dominant 7th chord grips. I then demonstrate how to use these tools to play the 12 b...
Freddie Green

Comping the Blues: Freddie Green Grip #2

GripsIn this lesson I teach a second common Freddie Green dominant 7th chord grip and a common swing strumming pattern. I then demonstrate how to use these tool...