Okay, time to head out to the country. You don't become a true country guitar player without mastering Travis picking, where your thumb plays a steady rhythmic ...
While it seems most youngsters these days are more enthralled with the likes of Lady Gaga, Lil' Wayne, and Britney Spears than with guitar legends like B.B. Kin...
You can't really be bluesy without getting slurry and slide-y. That's where double-stops come in. They work great as chordal indicators, harmonized solos, turna...
In this video guitar lesson, many of the core approaches to Blues Progressions will be laid out for you, so listen up and get ready to learn. In order to start ...
By Charlie Doom Right now sound waves are crashing against your eardrum. The small bones of your inner ear -- the malleus, incus and stapes -- begin to buzz,...
How Good Is Your Hearing?
If you plan on using your ears for the rest of your life make sure you’re taking all the necessary precautions to protect them – espe...
by Charlie Doom, Monastic Scribe of the Mojo Of all the musical styles, jazz is completely American – we invented it. Yet unlike blues and rock, jazz is rare...
From secret uses of the pentatonic scale to bluegrass, bebop blues, free jazz, and chord melody, Jimmy Herring — with a heaping helping of Southern hospitality ...
Proto-metalist Ritchie Blackmore, who bridged the gap between blues-drenched rockers of the '60s and the lightning-fingered shredders of today. His band, Deep P...
A master of many blues styles, Duke Robillard garners particular acclaim for his jump and swing playing. When he recently performed at a San Francisco music fes...
Three-time Grammy winner, Larry Carlton and Takahiro "Tak" Matsumoto, the most renowned guitarist in all of Asia, teamed up to compose, record, and release "Tak...
by Charlie Doom GWAR has perhaps been more successful at offending people than taking over the world, but that hasn't stopped the self-proclaimed "Scumdogs...