Weekly Kindling is a new feature on The Punch-In and will feature the latest guitar news, tricks, tips, and inspiration. Check back at the end of every week or ...
Weekly Kindling is a new feature on The Punch-In and will feature the latest guitar news, tricks, tips, and inspiration. Check back at the end of every week or ...
While the name Seymour Duncan might be synonymous with high quality pick ups and stompboxes, few know that before he was winding magnets and soldering wires, Se...
Our latest Fireside Chat is with a Zeppelin-loving, Fender-playing guitarist who is unafraid to go to 11 and shred on solos. His name? John Wlaysewski. He is th...
Labor Day weekend has come and gone, but our tribute to the ever-hard-working TrueFire faculty continues. Here are the next 10 guitarists to whom we owe a great...
Labor Day weekend is upon us, and it is time that we honor all the hard work put in by the entire TrueFire faculty. They all have spent countless hours in and o...
Pistachio Consulting and publicist extraordinaire Ariel Hyatt (CyberPR) have come up with a number of guidelines for musicians who want to maximize their exposu...
Fuel for the Fire: "Music is the shorthand of emotion."
- Leo Tolstoy Musings: It's MusicTuesday on YouTube. Check out our channel for a great selecti...