Guitabulary: Tal Farlow

He's one of the most under-heralded geniuses of the jazz guitar. After cutting his teeth on the NYC bebop scene of the late '40s, and building a rep with vibrap...

Guitabulary: Rockabilly Jazz

Rockabilly is a kissin' cousin of Jazz, with twangy tone and playful techniques disguising an often very sophisticated harmonic and melodic structure. Jim Campi...

Guitabulary: Blues Sixths & Jimi Hendrix

Chances are good that when Jimi Hendrix was playing timeless blues intros like the opening notes of Red House - he wasn't consciously thinking. I'm now fret...

Fireside Chat: Silversun Pickups

Silversun Pickups first caught my ear in 2005, when their Pikul EP was running fresh and naked around the underground indie scene. After hearing the whimsical-w...

Rock Gets Religion: An Easter Special

Rock & roll and religion: two strange bedfellows if ever there were a pair. Yet, there they are mingling together onstage, not only in the music of “shredd...

Daylight Savings

By Charlie Doom We’re still adjusting to the time change here, it’s been hard going. The coffee machine is down for the count; the tech says it wasn’t design...

Course Blog: Blues Rock Road Trip – Part 1

TrueFire Course Blogs are created by students who post summaries of their learning experience as they work through a particular TrueFire course. While an indivi...