by David Hamburger Click here for the tab file. This was probably the first blues tune I learned that didn’t follow the basic twelve-bar blues pattern...
by Jeff McErlain Are you getting the tones you want from your guitar? Before you start laying out cash for pedals and pricey amps, be sure you know all th...
by David Hamburger Click here for the tab file. There are really two “Statesboro Blues” (blueses?). There’s the song as originally conceived and recor...
by David Hamburger Click here for the tab file. Like a knucklehead, I remember walking through the mall with my mom in 1983 and seeing a big cardboard...
There are things that every guitarist should know, and how to play jazz is one of them. While jazz guitar is notoriously challenging, Bruce Arnold shows the b...
by Rich Tozzoli Even in the age of the $0.99 song, a full-length release is still a must. Whether you’re selling your downloads online or using a good ol’ fa...
Modes That Matter is available for instant download. Click here for more details. Looking to expand your palette of single-note tonal colors? A great way to ...
Stu Hamm's Fretboard Fitness digs deep into bass guitar fretboard navigation, finger agility and the theoretical knowledge necessary to play all styles of music...
by Corey Palmer For the beginning guitarist, it’s all too easy to run into pitfalls and stumbling blocks — especially when you’re trying to learn guitar on y...
By Charlie Doom
Illustration by Eric Hunter Want to make it big? We asked some of the biggest guitarists on the planet for their best career advice. Know...