Guitar Lessons

Blues Genealogy: Key to the Highway

by David Hamburger Click here for the tab file. This was probably the first blues tune I learned that didn’t follow the basic twelve-bar blues pattern...
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Blues Genealogy: “Statesboro Blues”

by David Hamburger Click here for the tab file. There are really two “Statesboro Blues” (blueses?). There’s the song as originally conceived and recor...

The Four Step Plan to Better Jazz Guitar

There are things that every guitarist should know, and how to play jazz is one of them. While jazz guitar is notoriously challenging, Bruce Arnold shows the b...

Lay It Down Live … and Leave

by Rich Tozzoli Even in the age of the $0.99 song, a full-length release is still a must. Whether you’re selling your downloads online or using a good ol’ fa...

7 Mistakes Every Beginner Guitarist Makes

by Corey Palmer For the beginning guitarist, it’s all too easy to run into pitfalls and stumbling blocks — especially when you’re trying to learn guitar on y...